Completed Projects

The company has involved with numerous projects throughout Malaysia. Below are the completed projects list;

HS 3

  • Bathymetric Survey at Tok Bali Port (2023)
  • Interim Survey for 36 months on Projek Pemuliharaan Sungai Setiu, Terengganu (2022-2025)
  • Projek Pemuliharaan Sungai Setiu, Terengganu (Survey Works) (2022)
  • Conduct Bathymetric Survey (Harbour Basin, Channel, Sheetpile, Jetty Area) (2022)
  • Construction and Completion of the Facilities in the Supply Base at Kampung Tok Bali, Mukim Semarak, Kelantan (2021)
  • Pre Survey for Maintenance Dredging at Tok Bali Port (2020)
  • Monitoring Survey for Sedimentation Study at Tok Bali Port (2020)
  • Bathymetry Survey at Floating Dock Area, West Wharf, Kemaman Port (2020)
  • Bathymetry Survey for Proposed Pusat Sukan Air Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terengganu (2019)
  • Engineering Survey for Proposed Beacon Light Position at Tok Bali Port, Kelantan (2019)
  • Bathymetry Survey at Sungai Paka for proposed Jetty Area (2019)
  • Multibeam Hydrographic Survey for All Area at Kemaman Port (2019)
  • Bathymetry Survey Study for Proposed Anchorage Area to Sungai Golok, Tumpat, Kelantan (2019)
  • Bathymetry Survey Study for Legasi Lestari at Sungai Kemaman from Bandar Chukai to Kuala Kemaman, Terengganu (2019)
  • Monitoring Single Beam Survey for Sedimentation Study for Tok Bali Port Sdn Bhd (2019)
  • Post Hydrgraphic Survey for Dredging Progress at Tok Bali Port (Single Beam) (2019)
  • Monitoring Hydrographic Survey for Dredging Progress at Tok Bali Port (2019)
  • Pre Hydrographic Survey for 2019 Maintenance Dredging at Tok Bali Port (2019)
  • Monitoring Hydrographic Survey for Sedimentation at Basin and Channel at Tok Bali Port (2019)
  • Monitoring Survey at Sout Basin Breakwater for Monitoring After Monsoon at Kuala Terengganu (2019)
  • Bathymetric Survey (monitoring) for Kemaman Supply Base for the Project Crew Change Hetty at Muara Kuala Terengganu (2018)
  • Monitoring Hydrographic Survey for Kemaman Port Consortium at East Wharf for Dredging Proposal (2018)
  • Post Survey Using Multibeam Survey for the Project of Proposed Construction and Completion of the Facilities in the Supply Base at Kampung Tok Bali Mukim Semarak, Jajahan Pair Puteh, Kelantan (2018)
  • Bathymetric and Topography Survey for Kemaman Supply Base for the Project Crew Change Jetty at Muara Kuala Terengganu (2018)
  • Hydrographic Survey for Proposed Construction and Completion of the Facilities in the Supply Base at Kampung Tok Bali, Mukim Semarak, Jajahan Pasir Puteh, Kelantan (2018)
  • Monitoring Hydrographic Survey at east Wharf at Kemaman Port, Teluk Kalung, Kemaman (2018)
  • Conduct for Hydrographic Survey Part for Projek Pemuliharaan Muara Sungai Kuala Besut, Besut, Terengganu (2018)
  • Hydrographic Survey with Johor Port Survey Department for Maintenance Dredging Works at Teluk Ramunia Molf and Tanjung Setapa Molf, pengerang, Johor for Johor Port Berhad (2018)
  • Monitoring Hydrographic Survey for Hardy Builders Quarry for Monitor the Entrance Near the Existing Breakwater (2017)
  • Hydrographic Survey for Proposed Construction Jetty of New Quarry at Paka, Terengganu (2017)
  • Topographic Survey, Demarcation and pegging for Alignment Survey at Dungun for Telecommunication Tower (2017)
  • Hydrographic Survey for Proposed Construction and Completion of the Facilities in the Supply Base at Kampung Tok Bali, Mukim Semarak, Jajahan Pasir Puteh, Kelantan (2017)
  • Hydrographic and Land Survey for Dredging Works at Muara Sungai Merang, Setiu, Terengganu (2017)
  • Hydrographic Survey (Pre Interim & Post Survey) for Reclamation for Seri Tanjung Pinang (Phase II) Development (STP2) Pulau Pinang (2017)
  • Topographical Land Survey for Petron at Ketengah Jaya, Paka, Terengganu (2016)
  • Topographical Land Survey for Petron at Jambu Bongkok, Dungun, Terengganu (2016)
  • Hydrographic Survey at Pantai Tok Jembal for Monitoring Erosion After Monsoon Season (2016)
  • Hydrographic Survey for Proposed Construction of Jetty at Sungai Ular, Kuantan (2015) 
